Saturday, February 25, 2006

Welcome Michael Anthony!

Jillian has a new cousin. Congrats Aunt Jenni, Uncle Cliff and Cousin Drew! Posted by Picasa

Jillian - 1, Banana - 0

That banana had no chance! Solid food selection number 2 was a hit. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 19, 2006

First Solid Food

Jillian tries her first taste of rice cereal. Her review:
texture - leaves a bit to be desired, a little runny.
taste - no discernable taste besides mom's milk with bumps.
overall - meh. try adding some apples or dog fur the next time. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hey! Where is spring?

Jillian is ready for the sun and warmer weather! She even bought a cool sun hat to prepare. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Why do you torture me like this?

Jillian sporting her new retro dress. Her face says it all! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Jillian loves to rock in the rocker.  Posted by Picasa

Ride'm Jilly!

A photo just for Aunt Krispie! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

Jilly meets Jen

Jillian playing with new friend, Jen. So much better than watching football! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Groundhog Day Nap

Waking up from a short nap in her crib. I stress short! *sigh* Posted by Picasa